Webdesign Mika Salonen is now Resulttia Software.
Resulttia Software is a part of Resulttia Solutions (formerly known as Webdesign Mika Salonen) which is an Internet software company specialized in software development, result service systems, and web design services. We started our operations in Finland in 1998, and since then our business has become international.
Nowadays Resulttia Software's Windows-based products are known for their high quality and performance, great user interface, and ease of use. The programs are so tiny that it is hard to believe.
In addition, no installation is required when using our software. Just download a free, fully functional trial version and give a try!
Remove, version 4.1 (01 Jul 2010)
A full-featured uninstaller for removing applications and entries from the Windows Add/Remove Programs list in the Control Panel. Remove highlights all phantom program entries in red and lets you remove, modify, and backup obsolete and other program entries. You can uninstall both shown and hidden software and remove hidden program entries as well.
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7
View a screen shot
Download a free 30-day trial (56 KB)
Buy now for $19.95
Landmark Computers provides the latest IT products and services, including a full suite of web development software, as well as computer systems and parts.
PC Fix Cleaner registry cleaner will analyse your entire system's registry and repair all PC errors to restore the PC to optimum performance and stability by using a high performance Windows registry detection algorithm and a very simple and intuitive user interface.
Nopeatkasinot opastaa ja kertoo parhaansa mukaan tarkemmin siitä, mitä Brite kasinot mahtavat tarkoittaa.
WebTech Hosts provides premium web hosting solutions, VPS (Virtual Private Servers), Windows VPS hosting, Linux VPS hosting, dedicated servers, domains, and SSL certificates for individuals, small to medium-sized businesses and corporations, with an emphasis on providing superior customer support and building relationships.
14 Jan 2019
Resulttia Software's postal address has been changed in the beginning of October 2018. We have updated our website and our postal address.
30 Jul 2015
WebTech Hosts provides premium web hosting solutions, VPS (Virtual Private Servers), Windows VPS hosting, Linux VPS hosting, dedicated servers, domains, and SSL certificates. For more information, please visit the website at www.webtechhosts.com.au.
01 Jan 2015
We at Resulttia Software have moved to an another location. In other words, our postal address has been changed.
21 Dec 2012
Christmas is coming. We at Resulttia Software would like to wish happy holidays to all our customers and affiliates around the world. We are having a very beautiful winter here in Finland, Europe.
01 Feb 2012
Please note that the postal address of Resulttia Software has been changed on 01 February 2012.
23 Dec 2011
We at Resulttia Software would like to wish happy holidays to all our customers and affiliates around the world.
01 Nov 2011
Resulttia Software has moved to an another location in Tampere, Finland. Our postal address has been changed as from the 01 October 2011.
11 Aug 2010
We at Resulttia Software have published our new website at www.resulttia.com. Please feel free to take a closer look at our Windows-based software products.
01 Jul 2010
Remove, a fast uninstaller for Microsoft Windows, was updated on 01 July 2010. The new version has a bug fix and minor improvements.
Remove v4.1 will run on Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7.
01 Nov 2009
Our company has been renamed from Webdesign Mika Salonen to Resulttia Software. Resulttia Software is a part of Resulttia Solutions.
Resulttia Solutions was founded in 1998. Nowadays it is known for high quality web design services and state-of-the-art result service systems for teams, clubs, and leagues. Resulttia Solutions also supplies many kinds of ready-made tools and programs for website updating, maintenance, and content management.
Contact Us
VAT ID: FI14685098
Postal address:
Resulttia Software
Säästäjänkatu 9 G 45
FI-33840 Tampere
Please note: If possible, please contact us via email for technical or sales support, lost license information for your purchased product, etc. You will get a response within 24 hours.
Press Releases
For press releases, please email us at press@resulttia.com.
Article Archive
For articles related to software, computers, and Internet, please take a closer look at our articles (in Finnish).
A couple of examples:
Internet mullistanut peli- ja luottokorttimaailman
Olympialaisten aikaan kaikki ilo irti tietotekniikasta
Tietokonepelaamisen ammattilaiset ja valmentajat
Pelimaailma murroksessa Internetin ansiosta
Affiliate Program
If you have any questions about our affiliate program or need assistance signing up, please send an email to us at affiliates@resulttia.com.
Copyright © 1998-2025 Resulttia Software